Once again I'm here linking up with Blog Hoppin'. Today's topic is based around our daily schedule. There have been several changes to my schedule this year. The biggest one has been starting 20 minutes earlier!! Students can now arrive on campus starting at 7:15, but our contract time starts at 7:25. Now some kids eat breakfast in the cafeteria and some eat in the classroom. It's a bit confusing. Here's my schedule.
7:15 - 7:30 Buses arrive and students eat in the cafeteria
7:30 -7:45 Students are sent to the classrooms to eat. This is new this year. So I am trying to need to have something for our friends to do when they are finished eating breakfast. In the past my kids would have completed some of A Teeny Teacher's morning work pack when they entered the room, but I'm having to figure this out. Right now, I'm thinking my friends will eventually start the morning work. Then they either write in their journals, read a book, or on Fridays watch something special while we wait for the official start of our day.
7:45-7:55 Our day officially begins with the pledge, our school PBS Whiz Kid Pledge, and the news, which is put on by the third, fourth, and fifth graders.
7:55-9:30 English Language Arts - There's a lot that happens during this time: Phonics, Phonemic Awareness, Whole Group Skill based instruction, Daily 5 centers, and Guided Small Groups
9:30-10:00 Writing Instruction
10:00-10:30 Immediate Intensive Intervention (iii) Reading Instruction - This time is set aside to directly instruct students in an area they are deficient in. This year every teacher in my pod is have this at the exact same time and will be sharing kids based on their needs.
10:30-10:50 Calendar Time - We count, we sing, we count the number of days we've been in school, we review different math concepts
10:50-11:02 - Math Centers Part 1 - Just like we have Immediate Intensive Interventions for Reading Instruction we also have it for Math.
11:07-11:32 Lunch
11:35-11:50 - Recess
11:50-12:50 - Math - We learn about numbers, shapes, sorting, addition, subtraction . . . you know the standards.
12:50-1:40 - Specials - We go to PE three days a week, art once and music once a week for 50 minutes.
1:45-2:00 Math Centers Part 2 - My students have several minutes after coming back from specials to finish up their centers from earlier in the day.
2:00-2:35 Science/Social Studies - My goal is always to connect what we are learning in science or social studies so that we can spend as many afternoons with hands-on activities. Some weeks it works out perfectly and some weeks . . . not so much.
2:35-2:45 Prepare for Dismissal
That's our day. Head back over to Blog Hoppin' and check out how everyone else structures their day.
That's our day. Head back over to Blog Hoppin' and check out how everyone else structures their day.
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