If you haven't caught on, my classroom has a Super Hero Theme. Today I spent time creating several products to help organize and prepare for the new year. BONUS - it's all available in my TPT store for free!!!! Here's what you can find.
First up is my Homework and Communication Folder Labels. I used sticker paper when I made these since I had it readily available at home. You can always print them, laminate, mod podge, packaging tape, or use any other method you so desire to adhere them to the folders. I placed a Homework Club label on all of the homework folders. My kindergarten team does a monthly homework calendar. To help encourage kids to stick with it each month I am going to have the Homework Club. Any student who has completed that month's homework will get to eat outside with me and have a special treat.
My school has these large envelopes that go home every Wednesday. Student work, school fliers, and random other fliers all get shoved into this one envelope. It's crazy! As a parent I would not want to dredge through the depth of this envelope. Most do not for that very reason. The Communication Folder is going to be my way of helping parents sort through all of the stuff that goes home. Graded work is still going to be placed in the school envelope, but everything else is going to go home in the folder. Papers that parents need to read but do not need to sign or return will be placed on the left side to be LEFT at home . . . get it? Papers on the right side will require parents' attention and be sent back. After I made the labels, I realized that I should have switched Thor and Hulk on the labels. I don't need my parents thinking I will turn into Hulk if they forget to bring something RIGHT back. You can grab this product HERE.
This last week I made this quick sign for orientation thanks to some Pinterest Inspiration. Of course I had to add some Super Hero twist to it. It's available HERE. Print the sign and add a bowl of mints.
Anyone that has spent time in a primary classroom knows that tattling is bound to happen. There's always those few that feel they need to tell you what every single friend is doing. Really? We spend quite a bit of time the first few weeks discussing the difference and importance of Reporting vs. Tattling. I made this sign to hang in my room in hopes to help remind my friends. Even with it hung I know it won't stop it but I'm hoping it will help eliminate some of the tattling. Feel free to grab this product HERE.
Finally I made these adorable first day of school welcome goodie bag printables and bookmarks for my friends. Of course they also had to have the Super Hero Twist. I am so excited with how these turned out. Feel free to pick these up as well HERE.
So after all of that and a trip to Target, I have yet to get my nap today. After church tomorrow we are having brunch with some of our best friends. Then my husband and I are going to swing by my classroom to drop off a few things. I have a few more projects I need to do for the first week of school, but they can wait for another day.
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